Exteractions - noun - ex-ter-ak-shuh-ns
In physics, the word interaction means the direct effect that one kind of particle has on another. In business and life as we know it, the word Exteractions™ means all of the direct and indirect effects that occur on a daily basis. At Exteractions, our goal is to quantify and leverage these relationships to help people run more efficient operations, lead better businesses, and live better lives.
Exteractions is a technology company focused on data management and analytics. We support business development by working through any stage of the data process in order to collect and uncover valuable and actionable information. Since 2007, Exteractions has been helping organizations run more efficient operations by providing them with effective solutions. Regardless of the size of your organization, if you want to make better use of your data, XT can serve you.
We're a diverse group of process oriented people who constantly seek truth and love helping others succeed. Our team believes that things that count should be counted and that life is meant to be enjoyed -- which is why we love making processes and businesses more efficient. If you are interested in joining a talented, ambitious and life-loving group, please reach out!